Greenpeace is an international nongoverment organisation, which was founded in Vancouver in 1972. The head office is in Amsterdam. This group wants to improve the protection and conservation of the enviroment (=erhaltung der Umwelt) as well as the promotion of peace in the world.
The worldwide presence of Greenpeace is huge. They have national and regional offices in over 40 countries. Greenpeace uses direct action and experience to complete its goals. Greenpeace does not accept funding from governments (finanzielle Unterstützung von der Regierung), corporations or political parties, relying on individual supporters.
Greenpeace became popular from the peace movement and anti-nuclear protests in Vancouver in the early 1970s.
Greenpeace developed from the Formation “Don’t Make a Wave Committee”. They wanted to stop atomic bomb tests in America. Later the Organisation changed its name into Greenpeace. More and more groups took the name Greenpeace and later they set up ‘Greenpeace International‘.
Main focus of the Greenpeace work is the realisation of international campaigns for the protection of the environment. These campaigns are co-ordinated at international level and are carried out with support of the national offices. However, national offices also carry out independent campaigns.
In contrast to other Organisations Greenpeace is rather action-oriented without violence. The activists protest with huge posters locally, to get attention.
The Organisation is concentrated in ecological Problems, Overfishing, global warming, destruction of the primeval forests, encourage sustainable trade (zu umweltfreundlichen Handel animieren), protecting our oceans and genetic engineering (Gentechnik).
Their most important success: Setting of the nuclear tests in Alaska (1972), prolongation of the Antarctica agreement.
Greenpeace in Austria
A group of engaged environmentalists founded in 1982 in Vienna the „friends of Greenpeace“ and „Worldwide in 2000“. Already a year later, in May, 1983, the Austrian Greenpeace office opened his gates. Still in October Greenpeace began the first action: the protest against the Trichlorphenolcomplex of the chemistry Linz.
Since December, 2000 Greenpeace of Austria is developed to Greenpeace in Central Europe and East Europe or Greenpeace CEE (Central and Eastern Europe) and is responsible for the following states:
• Bosnia-Herzegovina
• Bulgaria
• Croatia
• Poland
• Hungary
• Romania
• Slovakia
• Slovenia
Since Greenpeace was founded, seagoing ships have played an important role in its campaigns.
Some ships are:
1. Rainbow Worrier 1 & 2
2. Sirius
3. MV Greenpeace
4. Arctic Sunrise
5. Esperanza
6. Beluga
7. Moby Dick
Their Mission
• non-violent independently, internationally
People of the most different skin colour, from the most different countries, cultures and religions, with different political convictions join in a fight free of power for a common aim: for ours and future generations to preserve our earth and her ability, to carry varied life and to receive.
• Live
Greenpeace recognises and underlines that all life forms depend of each other and have a claim to clean air, clean grounds and clean water. Greenpeace pays attention to the dissimilitude of the life forms on our planet and the untouchability of her hereditary factors. (Erbanlagen)
• Hope
Greenpeace warns the public, introduces solutions and encourages to hope with creative and effective means which wants to inspire and motivate.
• World Wide
Greenpeace is a world-comprehensive movement and searches world-comprehensive solutions.
• To act in one’s own person
Greenpeace is persuaded that every single person can contribute to the change of the world. Greenpeace recognises the responsibility of the single people who is based on this conviction and supports the human fundamental right to strive, to change his life, the society and own culture in a manner which leads to a better future.