
Anne Frank Englisch

The book started with Anne's13th Birthday. At that day she became this diary. Anna had a younger sister who was…

4 Jahren ago

How does the media influence your life?

How does the media influence your life? Would it make sense to list all media I confront myself with every…

4 Jahren ago

Essay about the importance of media

Aufsatz zur Aufgabenstellung: Write an essay about the importance of media (dialectic way).

4 Jahren ago

The Catcher in the Rye

The teachers Mr. Spencer and Mr. Antolini in J.D. Salinger's “The Catcher in the Rye” “Life is a game, boy.…

4 Jahren ago

Is it a good idea to read „The Catcher in the Rye“ at school?

“The Catcher in the Rye” is a novel by J.D. Salinger, written in 1951, that caused mixed emotions worldwide. What…

4 Jahren ago

What Determines Our Social Behaviour?

What Determines Our Social Behaviour? Humans always behave. They usually behave in a different manner when they are in company…

4 Jahren ago

The End of the British Empire – India’s Independence

Ein Vortrag über Das Ende des British Empires / A presentation about the end ofe the british empire.

4 Jahren ago

Brochure: Mesa Verde

Eine Broschüre auf Englisch über den Mesa Verde National Park in den USA.

4 Jahren ago

atmosphere creating adverbs and adjectives

Atmosphäre erzeugende Adverbien / Adjektive - eine Liste / List of atmosphere creating adverbs and adjectives

4 Jahren ago

Irish castles and their mystic tales

Ein Referat in Englisch über Irlands Schlösser / Burgen und deren mystische Geschichten.

4 Jahren ago