
Literatur und Sklaverei in Amerika (Englisch)

A Soul in Chains 16.08.10 Living and working conditions of slaves - Overseers often could be as brutal as they…

4 Jahren ago

London a metropolis

London Nowadays the word „Metropolis“ is often used as a synonymous for cosmopolitan city. In contrast to a cosmopolitan city…

4 Jahren ago

Gudrun Ensslin

Youth and student Time She was born at the 15th of august in 1940 in Baden-Wurttemberg, one of the seven…

4 Jahren ago

Ireland – the green isle

Ireland is a little isle, which is divided into two parts: the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. In the…

4 Jahren ago

Talk – Raised from ruins

Vortrag - Auferstanden aus Ruinen/Raised from ruins Introduction: • Listen to the hymn • Hymn points out typical aspects of…

4 Jahren ago

A `United‘ Kingdom: The Role of the Monarch

Antony Jay “A ‘United' Kingdom: The Role of the Monarchy” Why do we need a hereditary monarch? Most states manage…

4 Jahren ago

The Great Gatsby Essay – in Englisch

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a book about a man called Gatsby who is obsessed with a…

4 Jahren ago

Macbeth – Play review

Review zu Macbeth. Englisch Hausaufgabe.

4 Jahren ago

triangular trade

Triangular trade, or triangle trade, is a historical term indicating trade among three ports or regions. The trade evolved where…

4 Jahren ago

Los Angeles – the city of my dreams?

Anm.: Englisch-Hausaufgabe, Thema: "Wie könnte deine Stadt verbessert werden/Wo würdest du hinziehen?", Klasse 9 Gymnasium Sachsen, Zensur: 2+ (einige Fehler…

4 Jahren ago